Friday, June 08, 2007

Brody and his hands

Can you hear me now????


Oops there goes another diaper

This sounds important..... i'm listening......

Notice the casual middle finger (no disrespect)

Hey everyone!!!!!
I'm thinking here when is my next bottle?
What part of no flashes allowed did you not get?

Well Brody,

You will soon discover that you are very articulate with sign language at such an early age.
You make me proud.
Love, Daddy


Katie said...

Funny how they learn how to flip you off at such a young age! Hayden loves to do this when I am feeding him at 3 AM, right after he gases me! Oh the joys of parenthood. Hope you guys are doing well and adjusting to the "new" schedule!

Carrie said...

He is very expressive with his little fingers! I love the pictures.