Friday, November 09, 2007
Brody's First Revel
Thursday, November 08, 2007
The boy and his grin
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Brody's 4 month Checkup

Here are some stats of his:
height: 25 inches
weight: 15 lbs 9 ounces
head circ: 15 3/4 inches
He measured in the 50th percentile in all 3 categories
The funny thing was that there was another 4 month old in the waiting area with us and Brody looked so much bigger than the other 4 month old.
Well Brody,
You are doing well. Keep it up kiddo, I am so proud of you and I love you so much.
Friday, September 07, 2007
Updates with pics on the way

Well as I sit and read updates on all the blogs, there is one common theme......"Dont you hate it when someone doesn't update their blog" Well I apologize for not updating as much as I should.
Here are a few things that are occuring at the moment or for lack of better terms "excuses for no updates"
1. Jess started back to work on Aug 6th. When she's at work, either I am at work or being full-time Daddy to Brody. Forgive me as I am new at this "Daddy" stuff and I am trying to make sense of it all.
2. I am going back to school in January and I am preparing for that
3. When you work 16 hours on Sunday, Monday feels like recovering from a wild party night.
4. Life is full of surprizes.... you never know what will happen next...
Well I hope that helps explain it. I am trying to get back on course with updates about Brody.
There will be some new pics and videos upcoming.
Brody has his 4 month checkup on Monday. He is doing great and growing fast.
Brody is sleeping 12 hours at night.
Well I will provide more updates more frequently.
I feel like a politician.... if you vote for me.....
Thanks for your patience and understanding
P.S. Mauri if you read this.... add me to view your blog.... i have been denied access...
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Brody's Mommy
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
Monday, July 30, 2007
This is Brody's Mommy!
I am not sure if I am even doing this right, but here goes. It is Monday afternoon and my boys are napping. I am trying to get some housework done and some computer stuff done while I have some time. We had a big day yesterday at Brody's Dodie's 50th Birthday surprise party. It was so fun and there were so many people who came. It was very nice, and Brody was able to meet many new people, including his cousin Camden, who is 8 weeks older- and 8 weeks BIGGER! He is SO cute! Here are some pics of Brody (if I can get it to work!)
Friday, July 13, 2007
Has it already been 2 months?
Well Brody,
Today was a big day for you. Today you are officially 2 months old. Today is also the day that you went and received your first set of immunizations. Here are some statistics that your family will be happy to know.
6lbs 7 oz (birth)
11 lbs 6 oz (2 months)
19.5 inches (birth)
22 inches (2 months)
Well it has been an incredible 2 months having you as a part of the family. You never cease to bring me joy. I admit sometimes it is rough, but it is a transition phase for the three of us even the dog. I am so thankful to see you growing and I am truly blessed to have you as my son. I know that this has been a rocky 2 months for you, but just realize that you are gaining such strength during this time. Your Mommy told me that the nurse had to lay on you to keep your legs from moving during your shots. I wish I could have seen that!!! You are my strong little boy.
I love you.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Updates on my Lil Fella Brody
Well, here it has been since June 7th since my last post. Where did the time go? Well, let me just say that last week was a tough one for the Davis household. Let me explain....
Brody in his infinite wisdom was starting to grow and be a happy little fellow. All that ended on June 14th. Poor baby.... he was starting to have nice amounts of spit up. No big deal... can handle that. Well on Monday June 18th we get little Brody circumsized. The next morning our air conditioner goes out. We stay with Granny and Papa for the evening until Wednesday. Thanks guys you are awesome oh yeah to Mom aka Dodie for caring for Bro so we could rest. Brody's spit up got worse, lets just say that he was going though clothes faster than baseball players go through balls during a game, not normal!!! So we take Brody to the doctor Tuesday evening. Doc says that it is probably acid reflux. Well by Friday Jess and I are concerned about the little Brody. I can say that Brody was projectile vomit champion and I was his target. Friday Jess calls the Pediatrician and tells him she feels that after seeing the obvious that Brody has what is called Pyloric Stenosis. She was right!!! Saturday morning we are admitted to the hospital for this. Brody gets an Ultrasound that confirms this and he has surgery Saturday evening. After a short stay till Monday evening, our little boy is back to being himself. Wheww!!!! That was alot of stuff.
Lessons learned
Brody in his infinite wisdom was starting to grow and be a happy little fellow. All that ended on June 14th. Poor baby.... he was starting to have nice amounts of spit up. No big deal... can handle that. Well on Monday June 18th we get little Brody circumsized. The next morning our air conditioner goes out. We stay with Granny and Papa for the evening until Wednesday. Thanks guys you are awesome oh yeah to Mom aka Dodie for caring for Bro so we could rest. Brody's spit up got worse, lets just say that he was going though clothes faster than baseball players go through balls during a game, not normal!!! So we take Brody to the doctor Tuesday evening. Doc says that it is probably acid reflux. Well by Friday Jess and I are concerned about the little Brody. I can say that Brody was projectile vomit champion and I was his target. Friday Jess calls the Pediatrician and tells him she feels that after seeing the obvious that Brody has what is called Pyloric Stenosis. She was right!!! Saturday morning we are admitted to the hospital for this. Brody gets an Ultrasound that confirms this and he has surgery Saturday evening. After a short stay till Monday evening, our little boy is back to being himself. Wheww!!!! That was alot of stuff.
Lessons learned
- God is awesome and in control even when we cannot be.
- I married an awesome wife
- I have been blessed to have one tough little boy
- The power of prayer is beyond belief
- Family is a powerful bond that only grows stronger
- When life gives you lemons, add a cup of sugar and water and have lemonade
- Toot sweet and a pacifier equals to one peaceful little baby boy.
- Never take for granted the amount of time spent with your child
- Nursing knowledge goes out the window when it is your own child
- Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Well that is enough for now. I will post pictures on the next post.
I have gained a new respect for my wife and my sweet baby boy.
I love you guys very much,
Friday, June 08, 2007
Brody and his hands
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Snuggle time anyone?

There is nothing more special than to have your child look into your eyes and feel safe.
The responsibility that has been given to us by God with the birth of our baby boy is so amazing and puts many things into perspective. You always hear that life changes when you make the commitment to have a child. It is very true. I believe that you go through life and the joy of it is that there is something new to learn daily from it. Well with the birth of Brody, I have honestly learned something new daily. The pictures above are of Brody with us. I love you son.
Welcome Home Brody (Sunday May 20,2007)
Brody with Family
What THEY say is TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well Brody,
The title of this entry is so appropriate. Let me explain. All throughout life you will hear many people tell you many different things about how it was for them when they had those experiences. Many times I have told them "yeah ..... i hear you..... really?" Well in this instance, they were right. Before you were born, the most commonly used statement headed my way was "Rest now because when that baby gets here you will not get any sleep." What did I say in response to that..... "Oh no big deal.... i survived limited sleep in nursing school, I am sure I can handle this." Well you are more than nursing school, i mean, in nursing school i could get away with 3-4 hours of sleep, the difference is that was continuous sleep that was not interrupted. Your sleep pattern is that of a party animal. In the famous words of the Slaughter song "UP ALL NIGHT, SLEEP ALL DAY!!!!!!" I love you so much son and you are so adorable and kissable but at 3:30 in the morning you turn into Dr. Jekyl. Just kidding. Mommy and I are getting used to your sleeping patterns and you are getting better.
I love you son!!!!!
Love, Daddy
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Happy Mother's Day or Birthday or both???

Well Son,
You took us all by surprize and you gave everyone the greatest gift of all for mother's day, YOU!!!Here is how you decided to arrive.... let's flashback to the wee hours of the morning on May 12,2007.... it is 1:30am and your Mommy wakes up Daddy and says that there is something wet in the bed. Well Daddy in his state of sleepiness asks Mommy if she is ok? She says that it is not her but her side of the waterbed that has sprung a leak.....interesting.....so while Daddy is at work, Mommy and Dee Dee decide to clean up the mess from the waterbed.....this equals strenuous activity for Mommy....for you it means a bigger light at the end of the birth tunnel.....May 13,2007....1:30 in the morning....Mommy wakes Daddy up and complains of being uncomfortable and says that she thinks she wet the bed....once again Daddy in his sleepiness asks if Mommy is okay? Mommy says oh it is no big deal go back to sleep.....Daddy at this point is concerned and tells Mommy to call her friend Stephanie, a labor and delivery nurse, and ask her opinion. Mommy calls her friend and then after realizing that HER water broke called the Labor and Delivery unit at her work. We arrive at 3am.......almost 12 hours later, you are here my Son!!!!!! You were born on Mother's Day at 2:36 pm. You weighed in at 6lbs and 7ounces, and you are 19 1/2 inches long. Mommy and you were great. Since you were a month early, you needed special care in the NICU. You are so awesome son, I love you so much!!!! I am looking forward to getting to spend quality time with you. Happy Birthday Son and thank you God for my beautiful baby boy!!!!!
Love, Daddy
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