Hey Brody or Trinity,
It has been a little time since my last entry on your blog. The pictures above will explain the reason for it. Here is what each picture is. Your Mommy let me paint the ceiling, so I did! Your Mommy wanted you to have a wood floor in your room, so on Christmas day, your Papaw Phil and I put in the wood floor that your Mommy picked out !(hint... lesson #1... always let Mommy or your future spouse make the big decisions... that way if it does not look good you only get blamed a little not a lot) (hint... lesson #2... always be kind and thankful... without you Papaw Phil's help I would have made a big mess... thanks again Phil) Your Mommy loves leopard print stuff... (ask her why when you can talk... lesson #3... if you don't know something... ask... it is better than feeling silly when you make stuff up.) So I painted a leopard for her and you. You will probably ask me this question when you can talk and therefore making your Daddy proud (refer to lesson #3). "Daddy, Why did you paint all this stuff on the walls?" Well let me type it so that way I can look on here to refresh my aging memory later. I was at church one Wednesday night and the congregation and I were asked to close our eyes and relax. Some minutes later we were asked to imagine our peaceful place. Then we were asked to imagine Jesus hanging out with us there. I did and the stuff I painted on your wall was what my peaceful place looked like. So, I wanted you to be surrounded in my peaceful place where Jesus comes to hang out when you are in your room and when you are asleep. The Rhino and other critters were just things that you could look at and ask about later. A little about the Rhino. Your Mommy loves Rhinos. (refer to lesson #3) When I think about a Rhino there are 3 things that come to my mind.
1. They are big... bigger than your Mommy's Tahoe (no one messes with them)
2. They always move forward and not backwards ( goal oriented and focused)
3. They are a respected animal and tough skinned ( takes a lot to bring them down)
These three things are important lessons that you will soon learn... remind me and I will tell you more later on.
Each critter is symbolic of someone that had a big influence on me.
-The Frog on the lilly pad is my relationship with God/Jesus Christ (F.ull R.eliance O.n G.od)
-The birds on both walls are for the many relatives and loved ones that have gone on and the one's who always pray for you and us.
-The fish (yellow) is for the beauty of the unknown
- The turtle is another of your Mommy's favorites... but it stands for the men who had a tough outer appearance but huge hearts to take me under their wing so that I can be a good Daddy for you.
- The elephant (no offense intended) is for the women such as your Great Grandmothers, Grandmothers, and our aunts that always showed nuturing and caring for us.
-The lizard is for the people who were always blending into the environment but always were looking out for us... guardian angels.
The Duck is for my Papa... one of the greatest men I know and love and the one you will never forget as long as I live. Thanks for everything Papa.
-The bass is for your Grandfathers, these men will teach you important lessons about fishing and life.
I seem to have typed a huge blog but it was important that you know what your room stood for. As it becomes finished I will be sure to update you on the new things.
Well Kiddo, you are growing so fast and before we know it you will be here. Your Mommy and I love you very much. I know that when you get to hang out with us more you will soon find out that the three of us, you, your mommy and me, will be very happy together. Love you kiddo!!!
Your Daddy
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