Monday, January 15, 2007

The moment we all have been waiting for!!!!!

Hey Kiddo!!!!
Guess what??? We found out who you are...we found out who you are.... nener nener nener, you have a weiner!!!!! It's official you are my baby BOY!!! Whew!!! Do you realize how hard it was for me to try to be all cool about what I wanted? Well, I have spoken about you, my Brody Payne for many years. It is true. Really. Your Mommy is really excited now. I must admit it... you made it tough for us to find out. The nice ultrasound lady was looking and looking for your "pee pee" and you were moving every which way to keep us from seeing it. The funny thing is that we were watching your movements and you seemed to find your "pee pee" after we did because you had your hand down there. You also were rubbing your eye but it was cool because it was almost like you were moving each finger like playing a piano. And when your Mommy was playing with her hair... you were playing with the back of your neck. You are my healthy baby boy. I can already tell that you have quite the personality too. Rather funny!!! Here are some pictures below......

Here is one of your face!!! And evidence of your "pee pee"

The nice ultra sound lady looking for you
Your Mommy and Daddy with the
Girly Doc listening to your heartbeat
Your Mommy and your Gandy
Well Brody... it was a great day and it is such an awesome feeling to know that you, my son, are growing so well and are going to be such a loved little boy!!!! I love you my son and I am so happy!!! I always want you to know how much I love you and no matter what I will continue to love you. It is going to be a fun adventure for the three of us!!! Until next time...
Love ya boy!!!!
Love, Daddy

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Only one week until we find out who you are

Brody or Trinity,

This entry may be a little long but there is so much going on that I have to catch you up on. First of all I wanted you to see what your Mommy's website says about you this week. She loves this stuff.

Your Baby
Your baby is approximately 4.8 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces, and he or she should weigh more than the placenta from this point on. Since your baby's hearing has become more finely tuned, he or she may respond to loud noises and you may feel movement at the sound of large trucks passing or a slamming door. Epidermal (skin) and fatty tissue are developing all over your baby's body to protect it after it is born and a substance called vernix is beginning to form on the skin tissue to protect it from the long exposure to amniotic fluid.

Ok, so it is in some foriegn language, the important thing to get from that is your size, that you are hearing now, and that you are getting some skin.

Next thing I wanted you to see is what you look like from where I am. Look below:

(DISCLAIMER, Well I am trying to experiment with this whole blogger stuff so if this looks funny after it is posted then this is why)

As you can see from the pictures you are a beautiful baby. You have a beautiful Mommy too. My hope is that you get your good looks from her.
Guess what? Next Monday we will find out if you are going to be my little boy or my little precious daddy's girl. It is funny, I get asked all the time "What do you want it to be?" My response is always the same and never wavering with " All I ask for is a healthy baby, and a healthy pregnancy, the rest is bonus points."
So there you have it, Brody or Trinity either way it turns out I will love you the same. Are my hopes up? Of course they are!!!
The next thing I wanted you to see is that you got some cool stuff from my family members. How this happened so early is that you and your cousins are months apart from each other as of in being born. And yes you will be the youngest of the three, but the cool thing about that is that you will get spoiled by the masses of relatives!!!! So here below are some of your cool stuff.

Well, this was a long entry but it was well worth it. Until next time, Brody or Trinity keep strong and know that your Mommy and I love you very much. Just think... Next entry will be different depending on how the ultrasound appears. Either way just know that we love you no matter what.
Love, Daddy